KM-RoBoTa, specializing in the development of bio-robots, recently installed a new VOLTER SX CNC router  at their facility in Switzerland. These robots are used in scientific research, art, entertainment, and disaster response.

To create their robots, KM-RoBoTa uses various materials, including aluminum and magnesium alloys. These materials require high strength in all three dimensions, making CNC machines indispensable. The VOLTER SX series was the perfect solution due to its accuracy and stability.

Using the VOLTER SX significantly improved KM-RoBoTa's production processes, allowing them to shift from costly outsourcing to in-house production. Despite the constraints of their factory space, VOLTER provided invaluable support from machine selection to installation.

Customer Testimonial

"Volter helped us at every stage — from selecting the machine to its transport and installation in our premises. It was challenging, but working together with Howard at Volter, we overcame all difficulties. From inquiry, purchase, and installation, Volter was always by our side, continuing to support us with training and maintenance. Thank you, Howard."