NEW Automatic Switch of vacuum zones  for VOLTER CNC Routers

Introducing our Automatic Vacuum Zone Switching system for VOLTER CNC routers. This system offers two modes of operation: manual and automatic.

In manual mode, the operator can effortlessly switch between vacuum zones using the CNC machine's touch screen monitor. This intuitive interface provides the operator with the control needed to efficiently complete various machining tasks. Whether you need to secure different parts or adjust to unique workpiece dimensions, manual mode provides the precision and customisation.

In automatic mode, the machine's controller takes over, seamlessly switching vacuum zones based on the spindle's current position during the machining process. This adjustment maximises the holding force exactly where it's needed, improving the overall stability and quality of the machining process. The automatic mode not only improves efficiency by reducing manual intervention, but also ensures optimum performance and accuracy in real time.

Our automatic Vacuum Zone Switching System is the perfect solution for increasing the versatility and efficiency of your VOLTER CNC router.